When it's all over it just come back in flashes, it's like a kaleidoscope of memories. It just all come back, but he never does.

I feel like the feels won't go away, like I will never forget. It's a weird sensation and I'm so stupid for caring so much when pretty much nothing happened. But I'm so out of control when reminding myself the whole night.. It've been like we never left each other, like I already knew him, however he was still surprising me in so many ways. It's hard to describe, to put words on how I felt, it was just like I finally was myself with someone, and someone truly appreciated me. Every moment was perfect in its own way, every little thing meant a lot. I felt so peaceful around him yet so excited by the great time we were spending together. It was everything I ever wanted, with the person I expected the less but retrospectively it seems so obvious. Can't help thinking about all the details all the time, and even know my heart keeps beating faster, and I keep blushing for the words he said to me.. I probably ruined everything without even noticing, he might have misunderstood or I don't know, maybe I'm the one who misunderstood him, but the very one thing I'm sure about now is that I want him, more and more everyday and I need a chance to talk to him, to show him what my real feelings are because I feel like I might need him in my life somehow. After all this time, always